Low Fat Vs. Whole Fat Milk
Although low fat milk certainly packs fewer calories and fat than whole milk, we must consider the entire nutritional profile of these...

Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium
In response to Joelle’s question posted to “Yogurt: The Good, The Bad, & The Controversial”, the following information is dedicated to...

Vitamin D for Kids
Vitamin D has become a very hot topic these days, as new research continues to reveal how important this vitamin is on so many levels. ...

Fish Guidelines
A KidNutriYum reader has asked me to discuss how much fish our children should be eating on a weekly basis. Fish is high in Omega 3...

From Formula to Cow’s Milk
A KidNutriYum reader has asked me to discuss the transition from baby formula to cow’s milk. There are three main questions that need to...

Toddler Snacks – Are They Healthy?
I decided to look into the nutrition of toddler marketed snacks since I have had my suspicions about them over the last several months. ...

Eggs: Organic, Free Range, Free Run, Omega 3, White or Brown? Understanding the jargon…
We may have concluded from my previous post regarding organic vs. conventional, that there isn’t necessarily much of a difference in the...